
Ted Williams Frozen In Nitrogen

View 15 Ted Williams Frozen In Nitrogen - If Ferrell's claims are correct, Ted Williams will join a rapidly growing segment of the American population: the frozen. In America, approximately 100 legally deceased people are suspended in liquid nitrogen tanks, and thousands more have signed up to go under the ice. He has some kind of life insurance policy that will cover the cost of his "suspension" in liquid nitrogen after his death. He wears a bracelet that instructs medical personnel to contact Alcor immediately if he becomes critical or dies. He arranged for me to tour the facility back in 1992, when it was located in Riverside, California.

Its lab is said to house corpses, including the remains of baseball legend Ted Williams, frozen to -321 degrees Fahrenheit at a cost of around $120,000 per body. Former Chief Operating Officer Larry Johnson Ted's cells' liquid was replaced with a glycerol-based chemical cocktail to keep his body cool without freezing. His head was then severed and stored in a cryostat, a large metal tank resembling a lobster pot. At extremely low temperatures, the cryostat contains liquid nitrogen, which is chemical nitrogen.

According to Johnson, holes were drilled in Williams' severed head to insert microphones, which were then frozen in liquid nitrogen while Alcor employees recorded the sounds of Williams' brain.

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