
View 22 Tekkonkinkreet White

View 22 Tekkonkinkreet White - Michael Arias directed Tekkonkinkreet. Two lads defend Treasure Town alongside Kazunari Ninomiya, Y Aoi, Ysuke Iseya, and Kankur Kud. The Yakuza attempt to seize control and clear the way for fresh growth. BLACK & WHITE TEKKONKINKREET Lost lads Black and White, orphaned on the rough streets of Treasure Town, must mug, steal, and fight to live. A world of corruption and loneliness surrounds them, as do small-time crooks and neurotic police officers, as well as a bunch of cruel yakuza with designs for their once-fair city.

Plaid - Whites Dream (Soundtrack) White, while formidable in a fight or with a weapon, is an 11-year-old who can't even clothe himself. Black, who is a little older, is more worldly and treats his companion with paternal devotion. Both consider their city to be "our town." Suzuki, called the Rat, a world-weary yakuza commander, is also prone to viewing the city as his domain.

Kinkreet, Tekkon "The Cats" are reputed to own the streets of Treasure Town. They are aware of everything that occurs in the city, and no one may cause problems without first passing through them. In actuality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys named Black and White who aren't afraid of anything. Overview Examine Reviews Contact us for more information about Press Copyright. Creators Terms and Conditions for Developers Policy on Privacy and Security How YouTube works Experiment with new features Contact us if you have any questions about copyright.

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