Finally, sharks are not very territorial by nature. Thus, even if you are swimming in close proximity to them, they will leave you alone. When individuals see a shark, their first reaction is terror. Splashing around in the water gives the appearance of an injured animal (remember those test bites I mentioned earlier?). If you maintain your composure and steadily swim away, they are unlikely to notice you. Do you believe the Great White is still a man-mutilating machine?
At Toba Aquarium in Japan, a megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios
The world's three largest sharks are plankton feeders and absolutely safe to humans. The megamouth is the smallest of these sharks, at 25 feet in length. This fish is evasive, with a massive head, a flabby body, a thresher-like tail, and large lips. It dwells in deep waters. It has been seen off the coasts of Japan, Hawaii, and California and is capable of diving to a depth of 3280 feet. While its mouth is enormous, its teeth are little and ineffective. It maintains an open mouth while swimming in order to capture plankton and other tiny prey such as jellyfish.
However, length is just half the story. Great Whites are much larger than Tiger Sharks. A White Shark of comparable size will often weigh more than a Tiger Shark of comparable size. Having saying that, none of them is considered slim. Both species have been known to reach in excess of 3,000 pounds, and they certainly know how to throw their weight about. How to Tell the Difference Between Tiger Sharks and Great Whites
4) They are comparable in size to great white sharks. Greenland sharks are one of the biggest sharks, reaching lengths of over 20 feet and weighing up to 2,500 pounds. 5) Eyeball parasites are very prevalent. Certain Greenland shark populations are often parasitized by the copepod Ommatokoita elongata. This parasite attaches to the shark's eye and damages the corneal tissue, partly blinding the shark. Fortunately for the shark, light seldom reaches the deep seas where it lives, and hence it must depend on other sensory systems to navigate and locate food. While this parasite is carried by over 90% of Arctic Greenland sharks, fewer than 10% of Greenland sharks identified in the St. Lawrence are hosts.