
We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident Declaration Of Independence

Jefferson himself did not believe in total human equality and, despite his lack of fear of revolution, desired that the "social contract" be updated via periodic, peaceful adjustments. He stubbornly believed that government should be founded on public agreement and protect man's "inalienable" rights, among which he listed the pursuit of happiness rather than property, and that it should be a means to human well-being rather than a goal in itself. He demonstrated his faith in an unmatched manner here. The allegations against King George III, who is singled out since the patriots deny any claims of parliamentary power, are an updated version of those written by Jefferson for the preamble to the Virginia constitution of 1776. They contain a summary of the rebelling party's particular complaints, presented strongly and convincingly before the bar of public opinion.

We have Petitioned for Redress at every level of these Oppressions in the most modest terms: Our repeated Petitions have been met only with recurrent harm. A Prince whose character is defined in this way by every deed that defines a Tyrant is unsuitable to lead a free people. Nor have We been remiss in our attentions to our British brothers and sisters. We have periodically informed them of their legislature's efforts to expand unwarranted control over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances behind our departure and subsequent residence in this country. We have appealed to their inherent fairness and magnanimity, and we have induced them to reject these usurpations, which would ultimately disrupt our links and communication, via the bonds of our common kindred. They, too, have become deaf to the justice and consanguinity voices. As a result, we must concede to the necessity that denounces our Separation and see them, as we do the rest of humanity, as Enemies in War and Friends in Peace.

For taking us across the Seas to face fabricated charges:

For overthrowing the free system of English Laws in a neighboring Province, creating an Arbitrary government there, and increasing its boundaries to serve as both a model and a suitable tool for implementing the same absolute control into these Colonies:

The Declaration of Independence, together with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are housed in the rotunda of the National Archives and Records Building in Washington, D.C., for public display. At night, the valuable papers are held in a subterranean vault and are carefully inspected for signs of deterioration.

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